Monday, December 10, 2012

AMA FUND: Ancient Evered Campbell

Ancient Evered Campbell, originally uploaded by freerootical.

Greetings Collective,
I am saddened to report that Ancient Evered Campbell was attacked by some youth early in the morning while he was going about his business. He suffered severe blows to his face and head and was hospitalized. His right eye was so damaged that they had to remove it.

Ones may remember the Ancient as InI sent him a strength in January to help build up his gates. InI will be sending him a $200 strength from the AMA fund to help him with his continuing treatment and medicine.

To insure that InI can continue to respond to Elders medical needs swiftly, please donate to the fund, visit and use as the payee address. Write, AMA fund, in subject line.

More strength and healing Ancient Evered Campbell!


Friday, December 7, 2012


ancient wicker man, originally uploaded by freerootical.

Greetings Collective,
Ancient Wicker Man is a member of Theocracy Reign Order of the Nyah Binghi Ancient Council. He is a harp player and chanter and is presently over 70 years of age and resides in the Parish of Manchester.

In July, InI sent him a strength to get treatment and purchase medication. The Ancient has reported that the medication has brought him great relief. He is in need of further assistance to refill his medication.

InI will be sending him $200 from Ancients Medical Assistance Fund.

To insure that InI can continue to respond to Elders medical needs swiftly, please donate to the fund, visit and use as the payee address. Write, AMA fund, in subject line.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Ancient Mabrack, originally uploaded by freerootical.

Greetings Collective,
The next recipient of the Ancients Medical Assistance Fund is Ancient Mabrack.

Ancient Mabrack is a member of the Theocracy Reign Order of the Nyah Binghi Ancient Council. He was diagnosed with cataracts and treated succesfully. It was recommended that he use reading glasses.

Ancient Mabrack is one ancient who fuljoys reading the ancient scriptures of Ethiopia and the laws of the Kings of Ethiopia to the members of the order of the Nyah binghi during meetings. He is now anxious for reading glasses to be able to see those ancient scriptures and text clearly.

InI will be sending Ancient Mabrack $200 from the AMA fund to purchase reading glasses.

To insure that InI can continue to respond to Elders medical needs swiftly, please donate to the fund, visit and use as the payee address. Write, AMA fund, in subject line.