Tuesday, August 14, 2012


ras kabinda, originally uploaded by freerootical.
Greetings Collective,
The next Elder InI will be strengthening is Ras Kabinda. Ras Kabinda has been on the trod of Rastafari for almost 40 years and currently resides in Shashamene, Ethiopia on the land grant.

Ras Kabinda is suffering from damage to his leg and is currently unable to do his daily work. He is in need of InI assistance. Make InI rally around him in his time of need.

This will be a traditional fundraising effort. Please use paypal.com and use wordsoundpowercollective@hotmail.com as the payee address. This will be a traditional fundraising effort so funds will not come from the AMA fund. Give thanks!

Goal: $200

Ras Justo-------$100
Idren Natural------$15
Ras Dario Macioci------$20
Bro Fraser--------$20
Sister MaryDread-------$20
Bro Nic--------$25
Ras Ta 'Zayah-------$25

total: $225

Goal Sealed! Give thanks!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


ANCIENT CALEB, originally uploaded by freerootical.

Greetings Collective,
Ancient Bongo Caleb of the Order of Nyah Binghi in Scots Pass Clarendon is suffering from multiple eye problems as well as epilepsy which effects him regularly.

InI will be sending Ancient Caleb a strength of $200 from the AMA fund. To insure that InI can continue to respond to Elders medical needs swiftly, please donate to the fund, visit www.paypal.com and use wordsoundpowercollective@hotmail.com as the payee address. Write, AMA fund, in subject line.



BONGO DANIEL, originally uploaded by freerootical.
Greetings Collective,
Recently, InI sent a strength to Ancient Bongo Daniel. He is currently being treated for Prostate Cancer. InI will be sending him an additional strength of $200 from the AMA Fund so that he is able to continue his treatment and take care of his daily nutritional needs.

InI will be sending him a strength of $200 from the AMA fund. To insure that InI can continue to respond to Elders medical needs swiftly, please donate to the fund, visit www.paypal.com and use wordsoundpowercollective@hotmail.com as the payee address. Write, AMA fund, in subject line.



ashley, originally uploaded by freerootical.
Greetings Collective,
Previously InI sent Ancient Bongo Ashley Iion a strength for his daily needs. He was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons. InI will be sending the Ancient a $200 strength from the AMA fund to assist with his treatment.

This strength is coming directly from the AMA Fund. To ensure InI can respond quickly to Ancients' needs, please consider donating to the AMA Fund. Please use paypal.com and use wordsoundpowercollective@hotmail.com as the payee address. Write AMA Fund in the subject line. Ises!